4 Amazing Homemade Hair Masks for Healthier Looking Strands

4 Amazing Homemade Hair Masks for Healthier Looking Strands

4 Amazing Homemade Hair Masks for Healthier Looking Strands


As any bottle blonde or hot tool fiend will tell you, hair conditioners are great and necessary but a deep-treatment hair mask is the real superstar for keeping your locks soft and moisturized. All of that hair damage needs a dose of nourishing, scalp-friendly ingredients to give it a second wind, so a few of the best in the natural beauty game—from the founders of Captain Blankenship to Meow Meow Tweet—treated us to some insider info on how to source ingredients from your kitchen to do so. Find their super easy hair mask recipes and tips below.

Healthy Honey Yogurt Mask




"This mask is great for all hair types and works especially well for dry damaged hair. The antioxidants found in extra virgin olive oil promote a healthy scalp and new hair growth. Honey is a humectant which helps with moisture absorption while the beneficial proteins and vitamins in greek yogurt help repair and strengthen hair." —Jessica Palermo, founder of Palermo Body

1. Place 2 Tblsp. of yogurt in small bowl.

2. Gently warm 1 Tbslp. of honey and 1 Tblsp. of olive oil in a small sauce pan to incorporate (do not overheat. Pour mixture over greek yogurt and stir until completely mixed.

3. Apply mask to hair working up from your ends and making sure to massage into your scalp to stimulate circulation.

4. Rinse after 30-45 min.

Moringa Magic Mask




"Lightweight and easily absorbed, moringa oil won't weigh your hair down or make your roots oily. Not only does it moisturize and condition, it detangles, promotes healthy hair growth, protects against breakage, and nourishes the scalp. Honey attracts and seals moisture into the hair and protects roots, leaving hair strong and well nourished. Avocado adds body and a smooth, creamy texture to the mask, but also hydrates hair, soothes the scalp, and prevents dandruff."— Emily Cunningham, co-founder of True Moringa

1. Add 1 Tbsp. of moringa oil, 1 Tbsp. of honey, and 1 ripe avocado together in a blender and whip the whole mixture up until its soft and fluffy.

2. Apply the mixture to damp, clean hair and also massage it onto your scalp.

3. Put a shower cap on your hair and let it sit for 30 minutes before rinsing out.

Strengthening Spirulina Mask



"Great for promoting hair health and growth." —Jana Blankenship, founder of Captain Blankenship

1. Mix 1 Tbsp. of organic spirulina, 2 tbsp. of water or fresh lime or lemon juice, and 1/2 Tbsp. of organic honey into a paste. Add more liquid if necessary for consistency.

2. Apply to wet hair, work into scalp and throughout ends.

3. Leave on for at least 20 minutes, rinse thoroughly.


Moisturizing Coconut Mask




"If your hair tends to be on the dry side, this mask is for you. Coconut milk and olive oil are great for softening and conditioning hair. They also give body and form to waves and curls. The antiseptic properties of both make this a good option for dry scalp conditions." —Tara Pelletier, co-founder of Hudson Valley-based vegan beauty brand Meow Meow Tweet

1. Mix 1/4 cup of coconut milk and 1/2 teaspoon of olive oil (or more for very dry hair).

2. Carefully comb through hair, paying special attention to the ends.

3. Wrap head in a warm towel for 20 minutes, then rinse.